Trail Marker, 2016. Oil on cradled birch, 12” w x 12” h.
Private collection

Artist’s Statement
I often find myself thinking about clearing passages, paths of energy, and creating a sense of light and hope through dense or tangled environments.

A reverence for nature and our Earth has fueled my work for many years. I feel a strong spiritual connection to the elements and creatures I encounter, whether hiking in Montserrat, Spain; soaking in the beauty and power of Lake Superior or looking for native blooms in the ravine behind my home.

I work primarily with oil paint, watercolor, ink and collage. I enjoy experimenting and challenging myself to explore new media and recently have returned to working sculpturally.

My process is a journey of discovery, wonder and often new challenges. Sketches and reference photos taken while traveling may serve as a source for new shapes, compositions or color combinations, but I soon put them aside and dive into the creative process, allowing myself to get lost in the journey.

Recently, I created a community-based installation that involved concepts of releasing burdens, grief or trauma, along with the power of gratitude, love and hope as part of the healing process (see Installation.) I am very interested in continuing this type of community-based work, facilitating workshops guiding others in how they might use art-making as a beneficial, creative expression.